Jamaica’s Elite — like no other tribe on the planetA blue Hydra-Sports called Fun C’aan Done was moored at the Royal Jamaica Yacht Club. Translated as “fun can’t end”, the boat’s name drew…Sep 15, 2024Sep 15, 2024
Strangers in Paradise, an AI fiction experimentHe worked at the Jamaica Inn, one of the island’s most exclusive hotels. Everyday he wore a starched white shirt and ironed black trousers…Jul 20, 2023Jul 20, 2023
Working at Habbo Hotel- a Metaverse death foretoldThey danced, built, competed, lost and won. Some cried, some lied.Behind the scenes in one of the earliest virtual worldsMay 18, 2023May 18, 2023
The Geek Mythology Guide to REST APIsIn the year 2000 Roy Fielding’s acclaimed dissertation introduced the Representational State Transfer (REST) software architecture style…Jan 25, 2021Jan 25, 2021